Posted by on 9 Jun, 2016 in General Notice, Newsletter | 0 comments

  1. Tuesday 14th June is the judging night for “Cemetery.”The judge for this competition is Barney Meyer and the AV judge for the 12th July will be Phil Ryan.
  2. Tuesday 21st June Activity Night
    Jeff Ruiz will be presenting his WA Birding Trip plus another small presentation.
  3. The Club would like to extend a warm welcome to Julie Clayton as a new member.
  4. Club Outing: Short notice I know but the committee would like to arrange a trip to the Echuca Steam Rally on this  Sunday the 12 of June. We would meet at the clubrooms at 10:00 am and car pool.
    The address: Rotary Park Rose Street, Echuca
    The weather should be cloudy but no rain predicted. Appropriate footware needed as it will be wet underfoot.
    Being overcast it should provide ideal lighting conditions.
    It’s a great opportunity  to photograph :- Steam engines, aerial motor bikes, Bands, Spinning Wool, Craft Activities, Street Photos, Costumes, Miniature Railway etc.
    If you intend participating please return your intention to :-
  5. The BBQ lunch at Sandhurst Ridge Winery was well attended and a great success. A big thanks to George Greblo for the use of his venue. There was lots of laughter as we sat around and socialized in the warm sunshine. Glad we had it on that weekend.
  6. Our overnight excursion to Swanhill is set down tentatively for the 23th, 24th & 25th of September. Itinerary will follow closer to the date.
  7. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on our activity night on Tuesday 19th of July.
    An important date to keep in mind. Nominations for the committee will close at the end of June.
    Nomination forms will arrive by email, plus forms will be available on the Judging and Activity nights during June.
  8. Club Dinner: 30th August at a venue to be announced. More info closer to the date.
    Just go to the website and hit the NEWS TAB that contains the NEWSLETTER.
    So for the month of June you will NOT receive your email newsletter. However, urgent reminders will still come via email.
  10. John Spring from the Melbourne C.C. has invited a few of the keen AV workers to attend the Melbourne Club to present a sample of our club’s work . The date will be the 17th August. Anyone interested should contact Garry Paterson.
    The reciprocal event when MCC will come to our club will be on the 13th of September.