Posted by on 3 Mar, 2016 in Newsletter | 2 comments

President: Graeme Harvey 5446 7983
Secretary: Val Densworth 5446 1251
Treasurer: Peter Eury 5435 2054
Competition Garry Paterson 5439 5423
News Editor: Boyd Robertson 5446 9103
News Articles:

March News Letter
1. Tuesday 8th March
You need to have your entries in for April. The Set Subject is “Garbage.”
Also Wolf Marx will judge the AVs handed in last month.

2. Landscape Tutorial 15th March
The committee has arranged for Tom Putt a professional photographer from Melbourne to discuss in detail various forms of Landscape photography.

The deadline for the entry of prints for the Easter Exhibition has been extended to next Tuesday the 8th of March. The form is on a Word Doc which was emailed to members on the 3rd March.
The exhibition will commence on the 25th March, but we need lots of volunteers to set up the exhibition at Dudley House on the Thursday 24th at 4:30pm
Paid up members will be able to display 6 Prints.
This year it is envisaged to have a continuous digital slide show in the back room show casing our digital photos over the past few years.
Also the exhibition will run till the Monday 28th March an extra day as many people are still around at that time. Val has the roster and there are plenty of empty spaces to be filled.

4. VAPS Convention
Due to time constraints (VAPS entries must be in by the 20th March) the committee will be choosing the prints and digital entries this year. The competition secretary has notified those members chosen to bring in their prints for consideration by the 8th March. Digital entries have already been chosen.

Its envisaged that we have a social day of photographing with Goldfields Image Makers (Maryborough) on Sunday the 17th April starting at Castlemaine.
Maryborough members are extremely excited about the combining of the 2 groups for a social outing with the focus on photographic tasks. So please keep that date free as we need plenty of participants. You will need to car pool once you get to Castlemaine Botanical Gardens.
For lunch you will need to have sandwiches or a roll as time will not permit a BBQ. If you are going have a “Red Wine” make sure you have a designated driver in your car. A map and activities to photograph will be given out on the day.


  1. 5-3-2016

    EASTER EXHIBITION. The deadline for the entry of prints for the Easter Exhibition has been extended to next Tuesday the 8th of March . The form is on a Word Doc. 2nd attachment..

    And Where do i find this Word Doc 2nd Attachment?
    Mal B

    • 5-3-2016

      Hi Mal,
      This newsletter was sent out by Boyd via email on 3rd March. the Easter Exhibition entry form was attached to that email.